Lily the Musical Narration Script

John’s Musical

Running Script v12 [no lyrics]

Not automatic 14th Sept 2021


Script for Narrator’s links

Act 1

Link 1

It is now 45 years since young Lily McFadden disappeared but some of you may still remember the strange case or recall having heard about it before. At the time everything was blamed on her father but really was it as simple as that? Other than rumours of unconfirmed sightings no one ever saw her again but maybe it’s time to set the record straight.

If you go today to a particular small provincial theatre you will find a man in his 60’s still singing some songs he wrote years ago. Before the main show begins he is allowed to go on the stage in front of the red velvet curtain there to give a short performance.

139 OLD RICK Opening Number “Here I stand”

Link 2

Well when this old man was young – not much more than a boy really, he claims to have known Lily pretty well and he hasn’t forgotten her even if most of the rest of us have. Now he wants his songs to tell the story but can we trust his version after all these years?

And what do we know about him? Well the young Rick Lamont was brought up in a conservative way in a quiet seaside town by his mother. With no father around she was protective of him and encouraged him to study hard and practice. But like so many other teenagers at school he had been captivated by the rock stars with their wild manes of long hair, tight velvet pants and seemingly endless supply of girls, thrills and excitement. He considered his life dreary and worthless and was itching to get to the bright lights and the big city. He rejects his mother’s sensible advice.

So we see young Rick on the verge of leaving home fantasising in the fairground by the pier.

128 RICK “Waiting”

Link 3

Of course the reality of making it in the music business then was very different from the fantasy. The bright lights and carefree antics of the stars on the telly masked the sweat, tears and compromises that had to be made. But he wasn’t to know any of that or even care because today he has an audition at a recording studio in London and he is very excited. He has been called by Dave, an Agent, who needs a guitar player and is prepared to give Rick a break on the strength of a demo tape he sent. When Rick arrives at the studio Dave sizes him up quickly and decides that he is talented but clueless. It means he is going to be able to exploit Rick to the max and he won’t ask any awkward questions.

We see Rick in the recording studio playing guitar with a band of time-serving professional players.

144 DAVE “I will make you wealthy”

Link 4

But Dave’s business is not above board at all. He works for Akimdal one of the most unscrupulous multinational corporations of the day and they have their tentacles into a whole range of nefarious business including selling lethal armaments to poor countries with social and environmental problems.

This is just the sort of thing that Lily has been brought up to hate and despise and so she is on the street trying to whip up support for her anti-Akimdal protest campaign. She wants to create a new world where corruption war and poverty are eradicated and she is prepared to go as far as was necessary to achieve this.

We see Lily protesting in the street and Rick among the crowd listening.

142 LILY “People are suffering”

Link 5

By all accounts it was this chance meeting on the street that threw the young naïve and wide-eyed Rick together with the committed, passionate, and in some ways, calculating Lily. Although they were the same age their upbringing could not have been more different. Rick was in ignorance of the real world and how it worked while Lily had been brought up by her father with constant political debate and direct action where no subject was off limits and conventional wisdom was dismissed. With Rick hanging around puppy-like after the protest meeting Lily sees the opportunity to recruit him to the cause. And anyway she has taken to him as he’s really rather cute.

Rick himself is totally smitten but bewildered because he’s never met anyone like Lily before in his life. With her fire, her passion and contempt for authority she’s just what he’s looking for: excitement danger and the unknown. He’s thrilled that she even so much as looks at him much less asks him to carry her stuff. We see them walking together through the romantic night-time streets.

121 LILY and RICK “Everywhere I go”

Link 6

But they are young people and they can’t help being attracted to one another. And although she doesn’t really respect him they can’t keep their hands off each other and though they both know deep down that it’s not going to end well they fall into a passionate physical relationship.

131 RICK “Lovin’ in London Town”

Link 7

Lily and Rick are an item and Rick can’t believe his luck. But little does he know just how much danger lies ahead. Lily takes Rick to meet her father. He has always been a massive influence on her and she has always followed his wishes. But he has given his daughter dangerous radical ideas and as well as being an expert on the arms trade he is an exponent of direct action. Lily’s father comes out with his philosophy.

133 LILY’S FATHER “Father’s Song”

Link 8

Her father himself has a seriously illness but for a long time he has been planning an act of industrial sabotage against an Akimdal factory overseas. As part of the plan Lily has allowed herself to be recruited as an Akimdal employee to enable her legitimately to get inside their factory compound. There she plans to plant a bomb designed only to damage property, not hurt anyone, before making good her escape in the confusion. Both Lily and her father impress on Rick that he must keep this information absolutely confidential and not tell anyone or the consequences will be catastrophic. Neither must there be any further contact between Rick and Lily for the security of the mission. Rick is appalled and begs her not to go but she is determined.

152 RICK LILY and FATHER “I have to go”

Link 9

Lily is flying out and Rick wants to come with her to the airport but she says no and they have to say a hurried goodbye in the street. Lily is excited and anxious but Rick is self-obsessed and can’t believe that his happiness is to be snatched away like this. Rick begs her to stay in touch and she reluctantly agrees that she will try. We see Rick on his own feeling very sorry for himself.

146 RICK “No I can’t”

Link 10

Lily is elated and fearful at the same time. We see her arriving in a foreign country where an active civil war is raging.

122 LILY “War”




Act 2

Link 11

Lily manages to find a way to contact Rick on the phone and she is surprised to find that he is now expressing an interest in the cause despite his obvious lack of self-esteem.

135 RICK “Modern Living”

Link 12

But on hearing his spineless and uninformed attitude she snaps back at him “The world is not just eye candy made to make you feel good”

130 LILY “Eye Candy”

Link 13

Rick is angered at what he sees is Lily’s put down of his attempt to get involved and over too many drinks he pours his heart out to Dave. Dave has been anti- Lily from the start and had argued with Rick over her influence on him so is only too keen to hear the gossip and dish the dirt.

138 DAVE & RICK “Talking like that”

Link 14

Rick crumples under the pressure and under the influence of booze and drugs tells everything about Lily to Dave adding that it is that very day that the sabotage is happening. Dave is angry and shocked to hear what is going on and immediately informs the authorities who, although they cannot stop Lily in time, move against her father arresting him for conspiracy.

151 DAVE & RICK “Let’s just get high”

Link 15

Lily’s father is taken to court for trial but the result is a decided in advance. We see a mass of angry faces in a packed courtroom. Lily having finished the mission has escaped, returned in disguise and secretly attends the trial.

125 PROSECUTOR “You sent your daughter”

Link 16

Lily’s father is found guilty and sentenced to a long prison term but his health fails. He collapses in court and has to be wheeled away to the prison hospital. Very soon the stress of the situation has brought him near to death

132 LILY’s FATHER “Moving in shadows”

Link 17

Her father has died and Lily is devastated, angry and inconsolable and kneels by her father’s coffin in the monastery chapel regretting everything that has happened.

123 LILY “Fruit of the Revolution”

Link 18

Rick sees the effect the loss of her father has had on Lily and he is consumed with regret and guilt. He realises the importance of family relationships and resolves to make up with his mother. So he meets up with her in a riverside café.

126 RICK “O Mother”

119 RICK’s MOTHER “Did you really think”

Link 19

And now we see Lily who has seemingly been left with nothing, not even her own identity, sitting sadly by the river looking up at a long grey bridge considering whether to end it all.

127 LILY “Nobody”

Link 20

So what did become of Lily that day?

Maybe my angels came and took me away

Maybe I settled down incognito into domestic obscurity

Or maybe I stalked Rick to get my revenge for his cowardly betrayal

If you’re wondering why I’m telling you all this

Maybe you’ve already guessed

I am Lily under my new identity

But maybe you will be surprised after all that happened back then that I got back with Rick

But honestly it was all so long ago

He was only a foolish boy, he has changed and I have forgiven him



1 Here I Stand – RICK (old)

2 Waiting – RICK (young)

3 I Will Make You Wealthy – DAVE

4 People are Suffering – LILY

5 Everywhere I Go – LILY & RICK

6 Lovin’ in London Town – RICK

7 We are Called to Take Action – LILY’s FATHER

8 You’re Everything to Me – LILY, RICK & FATHER

9 No I Can’t – RICK

10 It is War – LILY


11 Modern Living - RICK

12 Eye Candy – LILY

13 Talking Like That – DAVE & RICK

14 Let’s just get High – DAVE & RICK

15 You Sent Your Daughter – THE PROSECUTOR

16 Moving in Shadows - LILY’s FATHER

17 The Fruit of the Revolution – LILY

18 O Mother – RICK

19 Have it All – RICK’s MOTHER

20 Nobody - LILY

21 Here are Ghosts – RICK (old)